Special Needs Planning

The love you give your family member with special needs knows no bounds. Caring for someone with special needs can be a lifelong commitment. Oftentimes, the disabled person is completely reliant on a loved on for that special care. Sadly, no one lives forever. It is incumbent on providers to plan for the future well-being of our loved ones.

Many people with disabilities qualify for and are in receipt of government disability benefits, whether from the federal government or state, or both. When a person in receipt of government disability benefits receives an inheritance or gift, they are at risk of losing their government-provided benefits for a term or indefinitely. You worked hard to help qualify your loved ones for these benefits. Don’t hazard them by failing to plan for an inheritance and gift giving.

A Special Needs Trust can ensure that your loved one continues to receive financial support and the benefit of an inheritance or gift without jeopardizing their disability benefits. Additionally, successor trustees can be appointed to manage the trust for the beneficiary’s benefit long after you have passed.

We have both professional and personal experience in setting up Special Needs Trusts and caring for our loved ones. We will provide you the same compassion and sage counsel we give our loved ones. Contact us to learn how we can help you.