Probate Services

What is Probate?

Probate is the court-supervised process by which a decedent’s estate is transferred to the heirs. It is a common misperception that if you have a Will, you don’t need to go to probate. This is simply not true. Estates in excess of $166,250, including any real property, may end up in probate and subject to expensive fees and long delays. By way of example, a $1,000,000 estate can be subject to fees and court authorized compensation in excess of $46,000. These fees and expenses are drawn from your estate before your beneficiaries receive their distribution.

Probate is an administratively burdensome process usually taking between 6 and 12 months. A personal representative is appointed by the probate court and authorized to conduct business on behalf of the estate. During probate, the decedents estate is frozen while an accounting is conducted, creditors claims are processed, and the court approves title transfers and distributions. Probate fees and expenses are based on the size of the estate.

We partner with the personal representative to carry out the court ordered duties, such as:

  • Filing petitions with the probate court

  • Notice to heirs

  • Attending hearings

  • Estate inventory

  • Notice to creditors

  • Property sales and title transfers

  • Closing out the probate

  • Representing the estate during any contest or challenge

If you or a loved one needs help with probate, please contact us. We will guide you through the process and give you peace of mind that the probate is handled correctly and efficiently.

Remember, there are alternatives to probate! Contact us to see how we can help with probate or estate planning.