Elder Law

Planning for the long-term care for yourself or a loved one is complex, emotional, and often confusing process. Proper estate planning provides the groundwork to make informed decisions. Long-term care and nursing home costs can quickly exhaust a lifetime of savings. Many seniors plan on applying for Medi-Cal to offset the high costs of nursing homes. The rules regarding Medi-Cal qualification and the prospect of estate recovery following the passing of a lived one can be daunting.

Let us help you make an informed decision and plan for the future. For example, transferring assets to an irrevocable trust or other trust instrument may be an effective way to provide for your loved ones without affecting your ability to qualify for Medi-Cal in the future. Proper planning can ensure that your personal residence is not included in your estate for purposes of Medi-Cal recovery, thereby allowing you to pass it on to loved ones.

We are here to help. Whether the long-term care situation is urgent or well into the future, you owe it to yourself to contact us before making critical lasting decisions.